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Business Debt Settlement: A Risky Business for Banks?

Intellectual Property

Our latest thinking on the issues that matter most in legal transformation.

Explore why IP rights matter and how to safeguard them effectively.
Understand how intellectual property law protects consumers, businesses, and the economy from counterfeit products and IP violations.
IP Strategies
Optimize IP strategies to align with business goals, manage budgets, and drive value through proven processes and strategic investments.
Insights on reducing operational drag, smarter resource allocation, and value creation
Unpacking standard essential patent lapse strategies by major telecom companies.
Download the case study to see how this novel approach and collaboration has led to big wins
Plant-derived Protein: Products made from soy, wheat, pea protein, oats, and other plant-based ingredients.
Even among tech companies, where there is an obsession with secrecy, Apple Inc stood out.
Based on survey input from 200+ IP professionals, this report explores measuring IP impact from all angles.
Source code review provides an inside look of how software products work. It is critical to getting an objective look at how a technology behaves, communicates with other devices, stores data, and executes various operations.
Apple could avoid the import ban by moving manufacturing to the US, but that would introduce a host of legal and business challenges — including wilful infringement – which can lead to enhanced damages.
This report shares strategic insights on managing to the bottom line without sacrificing accuracy or competitive positioning.

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