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FTC Releases New HSR Rules: Implications for Antitrust Deal Teams, Planning for HSR filings, eDiscovery, and Beyond 


Multi-platform solutions that lead with tech.

At the forefront of innovation, businesses in the technology industry are subject to complex legal challenges and regulatory requirements. We leverage cutting-edge solutions that align with a “lead with tech” mandate and meet the fast-paced demands of this dynamic sector.

By the numbers.

More than 84 technology clients leverage UnitedLex’s expertise across the full litigation lifecycle, leveraging data science to effectively limit the data for human review teams.

0 %

document cull rate for technology clients leaving 3% of data for human review.


projects for technology clients in the past 3 years.

0 K

documents produced for technology clients in the past 3 years.

Human-driven. Tech-forward.

From IP litigation to product liability cases, our tech-forward solutions blend industry-leading tools, proprietary technology, and customized workflows to bring insight to matter needs, surface actionable data and analytics, and mitigate risk.

Fast, expert review leads to billion-dollar settlement.

Our highly-specialized team leveraged 4.7k privilege terms proprietary to UnitedLex, including 232 specific to IP review, to quickly review of 158k documents for an AmLaw 200 firm’s blockchain IP legal matter. Our expert review helped the firm negotiate a settlement for their client worth ~100k crypto currency worth billions of dollars.

0 K

Documents produced

0 K

Crypto currency
settlement negotiated

0 %

Document cull rate

0 K

Document cull rate

All Solutions

Activate the power of data across legal.

Multi-platform by design, our comprehensive litigation support and investigations services are designed to take on the most complex discovery and review engagements.

Through data science, technical expertise and operational excellence, we help patent and trademark owners and their outside counsel optimize and align IP to business objectives.

Our suite of data-first legal business solutions unlocks value, creates capacity, and optimizes core functions in contracts, compliance, and other related areas.

We enable the world’s leading legal departments to harness the power of their data and deliver measurable value to the businesses they support.

Let's get started.

We partner with legal and business, empowering organizations to innovate and grow competitive advantage.

Start a Patent Search

Accuracy and detail for better decisions

Antitrust solutions powered by people, data, and AI