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Business Debt Settlement: A Risky Business for Banks?

Early Case Assessment Delivers $3.1M in Savings


A Fortune 10 energy products company was facing a warranty dispute related to underwater drilling equipment. Plaintiffs alleged that proper maintenance procedures and documentation had not been provided at the time of sale.


UnitedLex was engaged to employ Questio, our early legal intelligence platform, against a large data set collected from US and EU.

  • UnitedLex consultants collaborated closely with counsel to perform communication and file type analysis within a specified date range.

  • Further refinement of search criteria was enabled through the unique ability to view documents within Questio.

  • The initial data set totaling ~950,000 documents (662GB) was reduced to ~35,000 documents promoted to the review platform.

  • Then a small, specialized team completed a review in one week, coding over 95 percent of the promoted documents as relevant.


Questio achieved a data reduction of over 99 percent, totaling $3.1 million savings. By identifying the relevant documents through analysis of the initial custodian’s data, the potential processing and review of an additional 1TB of data delivered to UnitedLex was not required.

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Potential Shifts Under the New Administration