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Patent Litigation vs. Prosecution: What is the Difference?  

Flexible Scaling to Support Mega Matter Needs

Multi-District Litigations (MDLs) are some of the most complex, time-consuming, and process-driven cases in the industry. These cases require specialized knowledge, workflows, and skillsets from collection to production to trial support and beyond.


With 30,000+ claims in 9 domestic jurisdictions after consolidation (3 Federal, 6 State) and 3 International Jurisdictions, specialized teams and workflows were necessary to efficiently reviewed 10.3+ MM documents.  The results of workflow consulting and analytics efforts were essential to coordinating the cases efficiently and cost effectively.  For example, with continuous active learning (CAL), $2.8M+ in cost savings was realized on first pass review alone. 

With a peak global team of 643 people on three continents, 6.1+ MM documents comprised of 25.7+ MM pages were successfully produced across the 12 global jurisdictions.

For many Life Sciences businesses, MDLs are part of ongoing litigation that they must fight on all fronts. Finding a partner with the expertise to scale specialized teams across all pieces of the litigation process allows for 24/7 support and streamlining workflows across the globe. 

In reflecting on the value that UnitedLex delivered, the client’s outside counsel commented: “I cannot believe we accomplished all that we did.  Thank you so much for the Herculean effort and please pass my praise along to the team."

Industry Briefing with Professor Richard Susskind