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First Look Investigations in Action

Investigations demand both accuracy and speed. First Look Investigations exponentially reduces the time and expense of financial and regulatory investigations while quickly enabling important decisions about the scope and strategy of your investigation and avoiding unnecessary costs. Below are three stories of how First Look was used to investigate allegations and help legal teams quickly and defensibly find the answers.

First Look Investigations Helps Legal Team Prepare for DOJ Presentation

The client had over six million records from which they needed to quickly find documents supporting the effectiveness of the client’s compliance program for a presentation to the Department of Justice. The client first tried a linear review and realized within a couple of days they would not meet the presentation deadline. They turned to First Look, and with only a handful of example documents, our team of investigation and discovery experts delivered key information with a 70 percent accuracy rate. In five days, First Look found over 1,000 significant communications for the client’s legal team to review in preparing their presentation to the DOJ.

First Look Expedites Conclusion of Conspiracy Investigation

Using the small amount of contextual information available to the legal team, First Look identified key documents that narrowed the focus of an investigation of specific employees accused of trade secret theft and enabled the investigation to be concluded swiftly.
First Look was able to save time and money for the client by providing relevant material at a rate of 90 percent as compared to search terms, which only yielded relevant information in 9 percent of the results and would have required the unnecessary review of a significant number of non‐relevant documents.

First Look Quickly Delivers Substantial Volume of Key Documents

After trying standard search terms that returned vast amounts of irrelevant documents, the legal team turned to First Look to investigate a large, complex SEC inquiry alleging securities fraud. From a data set of over 5 million documents, First Look delivered 150 key documents in seven days, allowing the legal team to develop a timeline of important events and outline the substantive issues in the case prior to the need for a linear review. First Look significantly reduced the client’s time, cost, and resources, and avoided what would have otherwise been an expensive and unnecessary document review.

If you are ready to learn more about using AI in financial investigations, read more at our Financial & Banking investigations web page.

[Whitepaper] Litigation & AI:

Potential Shifts Under the New Administration