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Patent Litigation vs. Prosecution: What is the Difference?  

Secondment Saves a Medical Device Manufacturer $28 million in Legal Costs

Like many Life Sciences businesses, medical device manufacturers face ongoing litigation and regulation and must fight on all fronts. Controlling legal spend is a must, as is optimizing legal to drive digital. Charged by the CEO to reduce legal spend by 10% in 12 months, the client chose UnitedLex to embed a seconded discovery counsel to propel transformation from the inside out. The UnitedLex secondee spearheaded efforts to benchmark and analyze legal spend data, optimize litigation and discovery processes, and engineer rapid-value opportunities to reduce costs. 

The results of these efforts met the CEO’s mandate ahead of schedule and provided over $28M in cost avoidance over 6 years.

In reflecting on the value that UnitedLex delivered, the client’s Chief Legal Officer commented: “[UnitedLex’s Cost Savings Report] was the best bit of information that any group presented. Our Finance Audit team didn’t have any pushback. Very hard crowd to please. Excellent job.”

By the numbers:

  • 20+ UnitedLex employees seconded by our clients

  • 15-20% average cost savings identified

  • 20% of Life Sciences seconded hired in-house

Industry Briefing with Professor Richard Susskind