Burdensome. Time-consuming. A drain on resources. This is how the traditional privilege logging process has been characterized.
In May 2024, The Sedona Conference Working Group 1 introduced its Commentary on Privilege Logs. This perspective offers the latest thinking on tools and strategies for both responding and requesting parties to mitigate the considerable burdens and competing interests often associated with privilege logs.
Join drafting team members Travis Bustamante, Adam Gajadharsingh, and Meghan A. Podolny as they join moderator Aaron Crews, for an interactive, CLE-eligible webinar covering:
- Tools and strategies to mitigate the burden of privilege logging
- Strategies to navigate competing interests and burdens and resolve privilege log disputes
- The benefits and risks of applying AI to assist in the generation of narrative descriptions
- Ethical considerations in light of ABA Formal Opinion 512 on Generative AI tools