Everyone is talking about artificial intelligence these days, including within the legal community, but many legal professionals are unsure about AI, and whether it’s ready for “prime time”. However, there are many legal use cases to which it is being applied today to streamline legal workflows – use cases which aren’t being widely discussed and reported. In this webinar, the panelists – who have first-hand experience with application of AI to several legal use cases – will discuss some of those use cases, how AI has helped streamline them, and considerations for applying AI to your own use cases. Topics include:
- Current Trends with AI and Generative AI
- Ethical Requirements of AI
- Benefits & Risks of AI
- Real World Applications of AI to Legal Use Cases
- Steps for Getting Started
Register here to learn more about current real-world applications of AI to legal use cases today and how you can leverage AI to streamline your own use cases!