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The Latest Ruling on the FTC’s Noncompete Ban, Astounding Employee IP Theft Statistics, and Digital Forensics 

Derek Duarte

Senior Vice President Litigation

About Derek

As a litigator and technologist, Derek brings a unique perspective to the challenges of the legal services industry. Derek has testified as an expert on eDiscovery and Computer Forensics in the state and federal courts. He gets his kicks from finding the needle in the haystack, discovering digital truth, and bad puns. He is excited by the potential of legal technology to improve access to justice, bolster our democracy and advance the practice of law.  As President at BlackStone Discovery, he was named to Silicon Valley Business Journal’s 40 business leaders under 40 list for driving innovation and growth in the eDiscovery industry.  He is now a Senior Vice President at UnitedLex, after it acquired BlackStone Discovery.

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